"By 2050, the National Football League (NFL) will be like the Barnum and Bailey Circus of today. Bankrupt, closed, irrelevant, morally passe."
"...Its massive billion dollar stadiums and marketing machines seem immortal for now. But these titanic playpens will soon crumble under the same cultural force that killed the circus: our culture’s growing concern for victims."
"Meanwhile, diehard fans once thrilled by simulated violence are losing interest with ever constrained penalty rules and concussion concerns. The suspension of disbelief required to enjoy the game is waning: talks of brain damage, flags no longer able to unify people around soldiers’ sacrificial deaths, spousal abuse, and racial undertones are all exposing football as just a silly game to appease desires for tribalism and aggression—and make fat cat owners fatter. Not worth all the drama."

Good riddance too. I hope it does not take until 2050. I can't watch it anymore. It is becoming more and more boring. The teams are not that good and the play is more sloppy. The frequency of commercials is unbearable now and there are penalties called all the time. The celebration dances after every run, catch or touchdown are the last straw for me! I am finally realizing how bad it is. It is fixed, corrupt, protects criminals and killing off players. The concussion problem won't be fixed no matter what helmet is worn and the national anthem silliness are the symptoms of the eventual crumble.
Does anyone really watch the Thursday, Sunday night and Monday night games.? I never thought it could eventually fall but now I think it is a real possibility. The buffoons running it better enjoy it while they can. Things can move really quickly now compared to years ago and once this league takes on water they'll be no stopping it.