Sunday, February 6, 2011

Solar Panel Installation

We just had solar panels installed at our home. They are not fully hooked up yet, but the bulk of the installation is now complete. Last year I did research on solar energy and decided it was the right thing to do now. While I am not sure about truth of global warming, I do feel alternative energy sources need to be explored and supported, especially energy that is coming to us free from the sun. While the technology to deliver this energy from the sun to our homes is not cheap, it is becoming more affordable. Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC) and electricity savings make the panels a good investment. A better investment than a bank or the stock market casino. I was also concerned about the rising cost of electricity and solar is a way to help offset those rising costs. As more people buy in, the costs will come down even more. I also feel good about doing my part to support the local economy with alternative energy jobs. I will report more as my experience with solar progresses.

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