Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pond Hockey

In early January 2010, we had about of week where the ponds outside were frozen thick enough to stand on. I did not think of taking my son to play on any because I was not sure it would hold us and I did not know how deep the ponds were. Then we had a few weeks of mild temperatures where all the ice melted.

We have again hit a cold week where temperatures have been below freezing for about a week now. I found a great little body of water by the side of the road. The depth is only about 6" in some spots and the ice appears to be at least 2" thick. We played ice hockey on it yesterday and it was so much fun. It brought back great memories of ice skating outside on a pool cover when I was a kid. My sister and I would skate anytime we wanted right out the back door. We are going to go again today. This time I will bring my skates and try it out. It would be the first time I have ice skated outdoors in about 30 years. Now I am actually happy when the temperature get below freezing outside. It is funny how perspectives change based on how you look at things and what you want to do.

I have really wanted to skate outside again after I recently purchased the Pond Hockey documentary on dvd. This is a wonderful movie for anyone interested in outdoor ice hockey and just having fun outside with skates, a puck and a hockey stick.

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